My Goal

Since my first stint, I have aimed to lead initiatives that bring value to businesses and customers. I use technology & psychology to build DISRUPTING PRODUCTS

My Mantras

"True Nobility is being better than your former self"
"All of us together is smarter than any one of us"

My Story

I have 10 years of experience building product & growth teams & drive initiatives to 1000x Revenue. Built more than 100+ Products across Banking, Payments, Insurance, Lending, Fintech & ecommerce

Media Coverage

A Long Journey Begins with a Single Step...

I have a strong Educational background

International Marketing

Built Pricing Algorithm to boost sales of electronics

Certified Product Owner

Built Framework for merging Agile with Design Thinking

Design Thinking

Build a Product from 0-1 and scaled it to 10 mn users

MBA - Strategy & Growth

Launched Events. Secured Internship via Networking

B.Tech - Electronics

Prototype Self-drive Car. Head- Alumi Relations

I always aimed to give back to the institutes while learning new skills in the process. I have led a few initiatives in every Alma mater!

As a Product Growth Leader

I can scale your business and products by 100x & that's my 'sankalp'

Products Launched
0 Cr
Users Acquired
0 x
Business Impact

As a Product Career Growth Coach

Mentorship is channeling your inner Yoda to unlock your potential

I have coached and transformed careers of more than 9000 people. I have consulted over 150+ firms & I have coached over 10K professionals

Having moved to Product from Operations and Sales background and having led teams in Unicorn startups and MNCs, I can help you crack your dream role

0 K+

                                              Building Leaders of FUTURE!

As a Keynote Speaker

"Voice Makes Personality Visible"

200 +
Hours Spoken
2000 +
Audience Addressed