I'm Versatile

Grooming Careers of  students and professionals to unleash your full potential

                                                Discover, Achieve and Scale!

Building Agile Teams, Launching cool Products and Driving 100x Growth

                                   2x Awarded Product & Growth Strategist

Workshops on Soft Skills, Leadership & Career, Fintech Products & Growth

                                                  Inspire, Ignite, Innovate

I'm Impactful

0 k
Professionals Coached
0 x
Growth Driven
Keynote Speeches
0 +
Products Launched

What I do as a

  • Build a cohesive team of potential leaders
  • Launch & Improve Products that Users Love
  • Discover, initiate & scale Diverse Revenue cohorts
  • Drive sustainable growth in B2B, B2C and B2B2C Markets
  • Create Experiences for our stakeholders that makes them stick
  • Goal-Based Coaching
  • Career & Resume Guidance
  • Breaking into Product Management
  • Growing in Product Management Career
  • Become Memorable & Impactful in Interviews
  • Career path to becoming an impactful Product Leader
  • How to write your OKRs
  • Driving Stakeholder Alignment
  • Fintech and E-commerce Industry
  • Banking, Payment & Insurance Trends
  • Building Apps for the Next Billion Users sustainably
  • Drive sustainable growth in B2B, B2C and B2B2C Markets
  • Create Experiences for our stakeholders that make them stick

Engage with Me!!

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My professional career of 10 years

Hire me!

Scale your business 100x sustainably

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Get the dream career you always wanted

Hear me, Speak!

Career, Personal Branding & StoryTelling

My Best Sellers

This transformed career of 100 professionals

What other people say about me!